


  • 作者 : 苏州galaxy银河
  • 发布时间:2016-10-09 10:10:53
  • 浏览量: 86

        From September 28th to 29th, the "Product Demand Analysis and Management" training course of "Product Innovation and R&D Management - Nano Enterprise Product Technician Training Camp" led by Suzhou Industrial Park Human Resources Development Co., Ltd. was held in Elite center of Suzhou Nano City. Relevant personnel of the Noen Composites Marketing Department actively participate in the course training.

        The company's most valuable resource is talents. Richard Deupree, the former chairman of P&G, once said: "If you leave our funds, factories and brands, take our people away, our company will collapse; on the contrary, if you take our money, plant and brand, and leave our people, we will rebuild everything within ten years."

        Noen Composite believes that the enterprise talent training cannot simply be understood as in-service employee training or new employee induction training, it’s more about improving the short board of the human resources and quality exposed in the past business operation, checking and getting hold of the status quo of human resources that the company owns, and developing the number and quality of human resources needed for future business operations.